Souk El Had of Agadir

Before you come to Agadir, you were probably recommended to go shopping at the Souk El Had. Apart from the name, you know absolutely nothing about this typically traditional market? You’ve been told so much about the mountains of colorful spices and the well-stocked fruit and vegetable stalls that your curiosity is piqued? Are you planning to go there? Then you are in the right place.

Souk El Had: The largest urban market in the Kingdom of Morocco and Africa

The Souk El Had of Agadir is a large urban market that is one of the most mythical places to visit in the Souss region and whose popularity crosses borders. It is the largest market in Morocco but also in Africa. Covering an area of 11 hectares with more than 3000 outlets, this huge famous souk is a popular place for locals, tourists, and nationals. Whether on Tripadvisor, Routard, or Petit Futé, the Souk El Had is one of the places in Agadir to discover and is highly recommended by travelers. It is located in the Amsernat district and remains accessible from any point in the city. Translated with 

souk lhad spieces
souk elhad spieces

The popular market of Berber crafts

Souk el Had means the Sunday market because it used to take place only on Sundays. The souk was built after the terrible earthquake that devastated the ancient city of Agadir in 1960. It is open 6 days a week with a closure every Monday for the weekly cleaning. The market looks like a fortress with its 6-meter-high terracotta walls that stretch over 1025 meters long.

The fortifications reflect the architectural heritage of the Souss region. You can find absolutely everything there! Fruits and vegetables galore, local products including the famous Amlou, the delicious Berber spread that is unanimously appreciated. All sorts of spices and herbs, Moroccan handicrafts, furniture, clothing, household appliances, tapestry … there is something for every taste and every budget.

souk lhad handcraft
agadir souk elhad tajins

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